Friday, April 8, 2011

The Corruption Connundrum

As you are reading this piece, the central government would have issued a notification to have a joint panel of members in the anti corruption panel . Due credit should be given to Anna Hazare who with his Gandhian approach ensured that the government could ignore this issue for longer only at its own peril.Even while doing so the government was acting in its own self interest of wanting to be perceived as clean and honest. The reality of course is a completely different matter.

While this was happening, we saw a number of noted personalities coming forward to support the cause unmindful of what the governmental response was going to be. Atleast one can admire their honesty. On the other hand , i saw an interesting piece of news that Narayanmurthy had come out against corruption yesterday , a good 4 days after the movement started and knowing very well that the government was going to give in to the demands of the agitators.One cannot but feel sorry for this kind of opportunistic response from some one who the middle class believes is a shining example of achieving one's dreams despite the system.

Consequently, i had a few questions rankling in my head

a)why did any of the big businesses in this country not come out in support of the movement on day one?Is it that they are the beneficiaries of the distorted system and therefore have been willing or unwilling partners in crime? or is it that most of them have resigned to the fate that corruption is too deep rooted for any public uprising to make a difference?

b)what makes for opportunistic behaviour of people that seeks to turn the spotlight on themselves rather than the issue by annointing themselves as the world's spokesperson about India affairs?

Much as i did ponder about this a few hypotheses came to my mind

1)It is important to remain unattached to take up a cause in this country otherwise the government will launch a careful attack on the individual by forcing disengagement with the systems that you have access to and interests in - be it your family and social system, the financial system and most importantly your fundamental right to own property.

2)Big businesses are bereft of intellectual honesty - they are self serving in their actions .For most , they believe that their silence during such agitations is strong endorsement enough.Only wish some one reminded them "If silence is acquisence then to confront is wise"

3)As a people, our much famous resilience is the reason that we put up with so much muck in the system.Our own value system has denigrated so much that in our heart of hearts we cannot but accept that each one of us has silently encouraged corruption through our acts of commission or omission.

4)The redeeming fact though is that we are quick to identify Heroes and identify with them. Only that sometimes opportunistic and morally corrupt ones betray themselves unbeknownst to themselves and the people.

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